Directed numbers Directed numbers are numbers that have a sign (positive or negative) associated with them. They help us represent quantities that can have opposing directions or values. Positive-directed numbers indicate a gain or movement in the positive direction, while negative-directed numbers represent a loss or movement in the negative direction. Directed numbers can be positive or negative numbers. These numbers are characterized by size (2 and 4.8) and direction (– or +). Positive numbers: +3, +1.5, +0.2, +2, … Negative numbers: – 3, – 1.5, -0.2, -21, … Remember: +3 is read as “positive three.” +1.5 is read as “positive one point five.” -3 is read as “negative three.” -0.2 is read as “negative zero point two.” Operations Involving Directed Numbers The following are the rules for dealing with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of directed numbers. Addition There are two rules: 1. SAK (Same sign – Add – Keep the sign) Examples: (-2) + (-3) = -5...